In a distant galaxy, an advanced civilization subjugates galaxies and planets. They anihilate any resistance, enslave the inhabitants and use them to gatter any valuable resource the planet has, before killing them all and exploding the planet. After dominating the Andromeda galaxy, they came to the Milky Way, aiming for the Earth, but a hero rises with the mission to fight them. You are this hero! Explore planets, fight enemies, and free oppressed races.
Somersault Ninja: Samurai Ninja Jump
Drifty Drive
Mahjong Match Club
Draw Rider
Ice Ball Run
Melee Attack Online Game
Subway Surfers Rio Puzzle
South Park Jigsaw Puzzle
Monster Truck 4x4
Jump boy
Knife Vs
Aquapark Balls Party
Soldiers Combat
Fashion Battle for Survival
Go Kart Boost Playground
Mega Mania
Bubble Carousel
Duo Ball Adventure
Muscle Race 3D : Smash Running Game
Shift Runner 3D
Princess Coloring By Number
Organize It
Parking Jam 3D -puzzle
Flexy Run 3D
Breakout Champion
Dress Up Games - Girls Games
Baby Taylor Outing Accident
Parents Run